Over 200+ pages of journal prompts, tracker and accountability pages to help you in being the Proverbs 31 wife God has created you to be!
— 12 Blank Monthly Calendar pages
— 31 Journal Prompts
— Daily Prayer pages
— Finance Tracker pages
— Daily Dream Journal pages
— Self-Care Planner pages
— Weekly Planner pages
— Goal Tracker pages
— Business Execution Planner pages
— 100 Blank Journal pages (wide-ruled)
Perfect safe place for all the things that matter most to you while being the perfect resource that keeps you in constant daily communication with God! It’s one thing to think, dream, envision, or even speak to your present and future, but writing these things down hold you accountable, serve as reminders for reflection, and even more, there’s a reason why what God spoke was written… because His words were full of prophecies to be fulfilled. Your words are no different. Take the time to write what you see, think, and speak in order to see your life according to the Word of God, the desires of your heart, and the goals you’ve set for yourself.